Dharul Ihsan Foundation – مؤسسة ذرور الإحسان

Hotline- (+94) 77-1251413

E-mail- dharulihsan2017@gmail.com


Dharul Ihsan Foundation is a Sri Lanka based National Non-Governmental and Non-profit organization registered under the Ministry of Social Service and Department of Social Service North-East Province of Sri Lanka under Voluntary Social Services  Organizations / Non-Governmental Organization (Registration & Supervision) Act,No.31 of 1980 as amended by Act,No.8 of 1998 Launched in 2004, Social Dharul Ihsan seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local NGOs,


We help people in Sri Lanka at their most dire moments, save and protect their lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity.


We work for the incorporation of needs and perspectives of people from diverse backgrounds and value the contributions of each and every human being.

APPEAL - Water Supply Facility

Support for installing potable water supply facilities to the rural poor communities in Muthur DS division , Trincomalee..

APPEAL - Food Pack

Food pack distribution for poor families across the eastern province of Sri Lanka.



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